
Restorative Circles

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

Restorative Circles


Have you fallen out with someone? Are you experiencing conflict? Is it affecting the quality of your life? Your happiness? Your well-being? Do you feel a victim of your situation? Do you want justice?



What we offer


We (Paul, Eric, and Paul) offer facilitation of a restorative circle process. The process brings together all participants in a conflict to restore dignity, security, and justice. You may be wondering how that could be possible. We invite you to read on.



The process


The restorative circle process is at the cutting edge yet well-proven, with its roots in traditional societies. The process unfolds through three stages:


1) Mutual understanding. This part of the process involves something called “needs consciousness”. You may find this website useful as an introduction to developing needs consciousness.


2) Empowerment / self responsibility. When we really understand someone and have really been understood (who said this was going to be easy?), we can do something to address the situation.


3) Action plan. The process returns us to our human desire to contribute to each other and spontaneously leads to an action plan, which puts things right again for all the participants in the circle.


A follow-up circle reviews the progress on the action plan.


How to initiate a restorative circle process


If you would like a restorative circle please contact us (Mediation Support Contact Form here). Please use the phrase 'Restorative Circles' in the title of your message to us. We can then start the process, which means us hearing your concerns and fully informing you how it works.


We know this is a very valuable process. We’re offering it upfront for no fee so that you can see the value to yourself. Paying us is your choice and helps us to offer it to others.


We are also happy to talk to you more generally about the process itself.


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