

Page history last edited by paul.crosland@... 1 year, 3 months ago

In May 2020 I repurposed this old wiki site of mine to begin a folder of letters entitled "Dear Confident(e)", but in December 2022 I’m reconsidering the future of this wiki site.


October 2023 & still no plans enacted..




Taking Responsibility -unburden and empower yourself here!


Here's text being edited for the new front page of Mediation Support Ltd -please join in the editing:


Mediation Support supports you

-if you work with conflict, are in disagreement with someone, or just want a less costly way of living.


Its a no-win game when you make someone wrong. And if you choose to make yourself wrong for what you contributed to the situation, that also takes energy away from sorting it out. Try living without blame and "walking in the other's shoes".  To live without blame feels great; you get on better with others & you can make a real difference in the world by being free of resentments.


What happened happened; now how can you give yourself and others the compassion to move on & make a better life for all?


Isn't the first step to own up to what you did?

Others will also be owning up to their contribution to the problem.

Why not take responsibility for your contribution first?

1 Go to the Country-Region-City-Confessions page
2 Click 'Edit Page' and enter the password confess21
3 Add at least two of these:
    1. The first half of your postcode -or other approximate identifier of location.
    2. Date (or range of dates) of action for which you want to take responsibility.
    3. Date of taking responsibility (and dates you are renewing taking responsibility).
    4. Your first name (or initial).
    5. What you did.
    6. What you are feeling now about what you did then.
    7. What you were looking for when you did what you did (e.g. safety, ease, trust, care, freedom –see UniversalNeeds).
    8. Anything that you want to hear from those who read your taking responsibility (e.g. to have your acknowledgement of responsibility acknowledged, ask for someone who shares e.g. a city or a religion to add this anonymous information).

Moderation of entries

All entries are moderated and limited to 300 words maximum.

Information that will not be posted will be information that does not fit into categories of what you did, what you feel now, what needs you did not meet i.e. your regrets, and what brief request you have of the readers hearing your taking of responsibility.


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